Oyo State TESCOM Computer-Based Test (CBT) Exam Date 2024 is out. We offer accurate information about the Oyo State TESCOM CBT exam 2024, including the schedule, screening location, interview date, necessary documents, and related details you might want to know.
The information provided here about the Oyo State TESCOM recruitment CBT exam, screening date, CBT test centers, and requirements is dependable and comes from the official Oyo State Teaching Service Commission recruitment website.
So, if you want the latest updates on Oyo State Teaching Service Commission (TESCOM) screening requirements and CBT exam dates, you’re in the right place.
After reading this article, you’ll understand what’s needed to successfully navigate this recruitment process and qualify for full-time employment.
We offer accurate information about the Oyo State Teaching Service Commission (TESCOM) selection process for 2024/2025. Take this guide seriously, as all the info you need is on this page.
Oyo State TESCOM CBT Test Requirements
Take note of the following:
1. You must be physically, mentally, and emotionally fit.
2. Submitting false documents will lead to disqualification at the screening center.
3. Maintain good behavior and composure.
4. Basic computer knowledge is necessary.
5. Upload your credentials on the Oyo State TESCOM official portal before the examination.
6. Failing to report to the screening center on time means you’ve declined the offer.
7. Teaching position applicants must print the CBT Print-Slip and bring it to the CBT Center.
To print the slip, visit the official recruitment site at jobportal.oyostate.gov.ng/tescom log in to your account, or visit a nearby Cyber-Cafe or CBT center.
Do not pay anyone claiming to help you get this job. Missing the examination means missing the opportunity entirely. There may not be a second chance.
Arrive at the CBT center at least an hour before your scheduled time. The CBT test is expected to span a week, starting from 7 AM to 6 PM daily (for each batch).
Oyo State TESCOM Exam Date and CBT Test Venue 2024
The Oyo State TESCOM screening date and TESCOM CBT Exams venue have not yet been disclosed. We’ll update this page once the Oyo State TESCOM screening date is released.
Candidates for both teaching and non-teaching positions are advised to be patient, as the date will be published soon.
The Oyo State TESCOM CBT Examination date and venues will be provided once the list of selected candidates is out.
The Oyo State TESCOM recruitment CBT examination will start soon. The Oyo State TESCOM CBT test venue will be announced upon the release of the examination date.
All participants will be closely monitored. Prepare in advance and avoid any form of malpractice to prevent embarrassment.
How to Confirm the Oyo State TESCOM CBT Exam Date
Oyo State Teaching Service Commission officials will notify you via email about the Oyo State TESCOM CBT Test, Examination Date, and center if you are among the shortlisted candidates.
Regularly check your email address for updates. You can also visit the official recruitment portal at tescom.Oyostate.gov.ng/ or visit this website frequently to stay informed.
FAQs about the Oyo State TESCOM CBT Test 2024
1. Is the Oyo State TESCOM Exam Date and Venue for 2024/2025 available?
We’ll update this page when the Oyo State TESCOM Exam Date and Venue are announced. Keep an eye on the Oyo State TESCOM recruitment portal at tescom.Oyostate.gov.ng/ or visit this website regularly to stay updated.
2. What documents are needed for the Oyo State TESCOM Screening 2024?
– Recent passport photographs
– Certificate of State of Origin
– Certificate of L.G.A of Origin
– A valid means of identity (e.g., Driver’s License, National ID Card, NIN, Nigerian International Passport, Voters card)
– Educational certificates (original and copies)
– Printout of your registration slip
We’ll update this page as soon as the Oyo State TESCOM Exam Date and CBT center are announced.
We recommend bookmarking or saving this page and checking back regularly, as we anticipate the Oyo State TESCOM CBT Test date and CBT Exams venue will be released soon, and we will update you promptly.
To stay informed, visit this website frequently. If you have any questions about the Oyo State TESCOM CBT exam date 2024, feel free to use the comment box below, and we’ll address them.