Oxfam is an international humanitarian group that focuses on ending poverty globally. Oxfam advocates for fair policies on issues such as sustainable development, gender equality, and climate change. This organization operates in several countries of the world.

Do you want to be part of this organization of life changers? Do you want to know the positions Oxfam is hiring for? See the positions available and choose the position that suits your abilities and qualifications below.

OXFAM Recruitment 2024: Job Vacancies

Below is a list of jobs available for the Oxfam 2024 recruitment exercise. Go through this list and choose a position that fits your academic qualifications and abilities and apply using the steps we have provided within this article.

  1. Programme Policy
  2. Campaigns and Advocacy
  3. Project Management
  4. Monitoring and Evaluation
  5. Humanitarian Response
  6. Information Technology
  7. Communications and Media
  8. Finance and Administration
  9. Human Resources

Online Application Process

Having gone through the job listings for Oxfam recruitment and found a position that suits your qualifications, you can follow the procedure listed below to apply for recruitment successfully.

  1. Visit Oxfam’s official careers page or job portal.
  2. Scroll to the “job vacancies” section on the website.
  3. Browse through the available job vacancies(You can use filters to make your search easier)
  4. Select a position that matches your skills, qualifications, and interests.
  5. Fill out the application form(s) provided on the website by providing all the required details.
  6. Upload scanned copies of your resume/CV, and any other required documents.
  7. Draft a cover letter highlighting the skills you possess that will be helpful to Oxfam’s causes.
  8. Review your application carefully to ensure that there are no errors
  9. Click on submit and wait for a notification stating that you have been shortlisted.
  10. Note that successful candidates may be interviewed, we recommend that you prepare for that as well.

N/B: Oxfam is an equal opportunity employer, candidates across all genders, religious backgrounds, races, and ethnicities are welcome to apply for recruitment. The recruitment exercise is free of charge, candidates are advised to report persons who are extorting money in exchange for recruitment to the authorities.

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