KNBS Shortlisted Candidates 2024/2025 Check PDF List

If you are among those who applied for the 2024/2025 KNBS recruitment exercise, it might interest you to know that the names of KNBS shortlisted candidates are out.

You are encouraged to go to the KNBS recruitment portal and check your name to confirm if you are among the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics successful candidates.

Read this article carefully for instructions on how to go about checking this list.

KNBS Shortlisted Candidates 2024/2025

Kenya National Bureau of Statistics has announced the release of the names of shortlisted candidates. KNBS has conducted a recruitment exercise annually and this year is no different.

Some weeks after the recruitment portal closes, a list of successful candidates is usually released via the recruitment portal where candidates can check their names to confirm if they have been offered employment.

Prior to the release of the list online, successful candidates are usually notified of their success via the phone number or email address they provided during the recruitment exercise. The list of shortlisted candidates can be downloaded in PDF format.

Please note that the list of KNBS shortlisted candidates 2024/2025 has not yet been released, we will however guide you on how to check the list when it is out.

We will also update this page as soon as the list is out. Read below for guidelines on how to download the list of shortlisted candidates.

How to Check KNBS Shortlisted Candidates 2024/2025

Although the shortlisted candidates’ list is not available yet, it’s still important to know the steps for checking the shortlist when it is released. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Visit the KNRA job application portal
  2. Select the “Career” option on the menu bar.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
  4. Click on “Download Names of Successful Applicants.”
  5. Open the PDF file and search for your name or application number.

We hope that we have been able to provide you with proper guidance on the KNBS Shortlisted Candidates 2024/2025, please go through this article properly in order to gain from the knowledge we have shared.

If you have further questions regarding this topic, we are happy to help; just send in your questions via the comment section, and we will send a response as quickly as possible.

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