FRSC Shortlisted Candidates 2024/2025 PDF list. Are you aware that the names of the shortlisted applicants for the FRSC is out? Yes, the management has released the list of shortlisted candidates.
If you are looking for a way to check if you have been Shortlisted for the FRSC job vacancies, then this article is for you. You will be given detailed information about FRSC list of Shortlisted Candidates 2024/2025.
If you applied for the job it is advisable you hurry now to confirm if your name is included in the FRSC shortlisted candidates.
Duly note that the day for the screening exercise is near and if you have not checked the list for the Federal Road Safety Corps shortlisted candidates you are at risk of losing your golden opportunity.
This page will give you direct guidelines on how to navigate the FRSC portal so as find out if you are shortlisted for the 2024 FRSC screening exercise.
How to Check FRSC Shortlisted Candidates
- For complete access to the FRSC shortlisted portal, visit
- Scroll down to the main page’s center to check your name.
If your name has been shortlisted by the Federal Road Safety Corps, you can find out via email, SMS, or by downloading the shortlist from the recruiting portal at
Successful candidates will automatically receive messages from the Federal Road Safety Corps via their registered email or SMS. Utilizing the media or the FRSC website is another way to inform applicants of the release of the FRSC shortlisted candidates.
Added to this, applicants are to check their email to know if the FRSC has sent them a message, and also watch their SMS inbox as well.
If you want to stay up to date regarding the recruiting process, then keep checking this website regularly as we constantly post the most recent information regarding the FRSC recruitment list of selected applicants.
Additionally, we advise you to save or bookmark this page in case of any changes. We will notify you as soon as this occurs.
Use the comment section below to ask any questions you may have about the Federal Road Safety Corps recruitment process, and we will do our best to respond.